Course Description


Kin Brown

I started real estate investing in 2009, now before then investing was an afterthought, but investing in real estate was something my wife always want to do. Having no knowledge, idea or where to start we decided to enroll in a real estate investing program. Now having the teaching and understanding of the business, in late 2009 my wife and I closed on our first investment property. Our first rehab was a monster so many problems, everything from floor problems too electrical too having a bad contractor, but after it was all said and done, I realize that this was something that I would enjoy doing. In 2012 I created a real estate Youtube channel, after getting so many great responses from people that wanted to learn more, I discovered my love for teaching, that is why I created Kin’s School of Success, so I can mentor and share my knowledge that I have experienced and things that I have been taught by others with aspiring investors. My mission is to provide the most complete and accurate real estate education and training materials, the latest cutting edge tools and strategies and the very best coaching and mentoring services available. I think having a mentor to is the secret to success in any endeavor and truly believes that every real estate entrepreneur has the ability to become financially free given the right teaching and mentoring.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Marketing Strategies

    • Creating A Marketing Plan

    • Marketing with Little or No Money

    • Networking & Building Relationships

  • 2

    Finding Deals

    • Driving For Deals

    • Working with Agents

    • Direct Mail

    • Probate Leads

    • F.S.B.O/ Using Zillow pt.1

    • F.S.B.O/ Using Zillow pt.2

    • F.S.B.O/ Using Zillow pt.3

    • Finding Unlisted Properties

    • Entering your Probate in a Database

  • 3

    Bandit Signs

    • Designing Your Bandit Signs

    • Finding Locations For Bandit Signs

    • Bandit Sign Tip

    • Best Time To Put Out Your Signs

  • 4

    mail campaign

    • Creating Your Own Post Cards

  • 5


    • Building a Buyers List

  • 6


    • Bandit Signs-Test Your Knowledge